Thursday, June 12, 2008

Deaf is better than blind, quit bitching!

If you are an insomniac like myself, have Sky digital and like to watch late night TV, then lately you will have come across what I can only call a brain fart from the people at Sky. You'll have come across sign language.

Yes, to cater to the small percentage of deaf people that watch TV, Sky have hired people to do sign language during various programs, but not just ordinary sign language. Intrusive, what the fuck is this retard doing on my screen sign language! Here's an example....

Yes, folks, you see right. They have sign language for wrestling! A program that is more visual than vocal anyway. On top of this, they have started doing sign language for music as well! Music for the deaf! Do deaf people really want to know that Christina Aguilera wants to get "Dirty"?
They even have them on during Identity on Sky Movies. Here you have an intense thriller and it is ruined by by someone who looks completely out of place in the bottom right hand corner, actually acting out the scenes!

So I ask, what is the solution to this madness? Why do Sky assume that all deaf people don't watch TV until after midnight, are they also insomniacs? (Poor bastards.) The answer is not something as simple as making it a red button option on your remote, it's not even as simple as doing subtitles instead... The answer is this.

With the digital age, there are more channels then I can count, there are cooking channels, reality tv channels and a bunch of other useless crap, so why not a deaf channel?... I'll even go one further and help with the pitch...

Sky Hi Deaf!

That's right! The deaf would have a place of their own where they could be free to frollick through the fields and have sign language gay porn (You know you love it!)

So, e-mail the viewer relations department at Sky and tell them that you want to see Sky Hi Deaf and we can all watch late night programs, retard free (Unless you're watching Big Brother that is, in which case, shame on you.)


Anonymous said...

This is an epic comment.

-ash, the tired one

Anonymous said...

Good story, but I thought it was actually going some where : (

Luckily for you it had no climax.